You are allowed to take it easy here, you deserve too, sis.
Sis: Rest, then kill it, and repeat!
The Patron Saint Oprah says: "Breathe. Let go. Remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure."
The Lotus Gathering wants to celebrate and encourage women for not only what they do but for the immense amount of courage it takes to just be.
Nowadays, self-care culture is trendy, monetized, and promoted by big brands and wellness outlets. Here, at The Lotus Gathering, we are advocates of self-care but not in a traditional way because of the way it validates the "busy is best" lifestyle. So much emphasis is placed on doing, doing your meditation, doing a facial, doing yoga, blah blah blah, these are all great proponents of self-care. But, there not the only way. The Lotus Gathering promotes, strongly, a culture of being present, rest, and self-preservation, in the form of just being. No expectations of yourself or others, just full mind and bawdy awareness.
Busy < Be
Sis, we want you to know that being willfully busy is a constant reminder, subconsciously, that you're not doing enough. When in fact, you ARE. Actually, you are doing more than enough! Ask yourself, how many times have you completed a task, felt completely satisfied, patted yourself on the back, and closed your eyes for 10 minutes? Do you immediately move on the next task, tend to the kids, answer a call, cook a meal, plan an event, the list goes on. We all do! I exist in a space, too frequently, where I battle with the thought of needing to do more to feel accomplished or productive. Well, today sis, I'm using another four-letter word to describe this idea, f*ck that! I implore you, vehemently encourage you to give yourself a break, and not a "I'll rest later, as soon as I'm done this one thing!" Now, at this moment, give yourself, at least a mental break, to #justbe.
"Rest is how you show self-kindness."
Look, we know r*st isn't a revolutionary idea or earth-shattering concept. The reason lavender essential oils and melatonin are part of billion dollar businesses is because it's necessary. So, The Lotus Gathering, is changing the lexicon, and removing #REST from the dirty words list and putting it back where it belongs. Next to, self preservation, kindness, life-changing, and deserved.
Rest well, sis.