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Healing Remedies Series: How to Conjure up Joy within a Storm

If 2020, has taught us anything, it is that joy is an emotion that we all have so much to give, so freely, willingly, and abundantly in all facets, if we continue to weather the storm together.

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It felt, for us, the majority of the year was giving real deathly hallows vibes, amirite? In order to make it through we had to focus our sights on joy!

The year 2020, B.C. (Before Covid)

Remember about 5 years ago? Early January 2020, I believe was the month. Everyone was fresh off a New Year High, ready to kick-ass in a new decade, revitalizing old dreams and creating new visions. Searching for the perfect beach hat to galivant in on some far away exotic isle.

Cut and Scene.

That was a beautiful time that seems so long ago. Before a slew of storms, rocked our country from a global pandemic, hard- to- watch videos of murders that caused atmospheric shifts in the CTA to combat systemic racism, police brutality, and social injustices, not to mention the iconic people we have loss, it all felt and feels, at times, insurmountable. Peep, how I am categorically, leaving out the buffoonery, which is the current administration. It was all teeeeewwww much!

No one had any idea what was looming on the horizon for us all. How, we, as a collective had to find courage, strength and resiliency to lift each other up and encourage one another to keep pressing forward in the midst of uncertainty.

In that atmosphere, in so many ways, I witnessed the exemplary triumph of human nature prevail, in such beautiful ways. I literally witnessed how to conjure up joy in the midst of a storm.

Happiness is based on circumstances. Joy is not.

When you set your sights on joy in difficult situations it fosters gratitude.

We all know happiness is fleeting. After a long day, a delicious, decadent pint of Talenti ice cream awaits you, after 6 zoom calls in a row. Happiness! Fireworks! Then poof! Just like that, you are bloated. We get the dramatization of it all but trust us, levity is needed. Because levity, laughter, lightheartedness, and going with the flow are key parts of the magic that is joy. Selflessness and personal sacrifice are the foundation. See, joy is not the absence of happiness but the more intense version of the emotion.

Happiness is based on circumstances happening to you or for you. Joy is happening because of you. Because you gave, you were vulnerable, you helped out, you showed up, you polished another women's crown and didn't tell the world.

The root of joy is service

2020, in all its wicked twist glory, has been a year of service. From the frontline workers, virtual classroom teachers, grocery store clerks, protestors, activist, the list goes on. Service is at the heart of joy and the truth is there is no secret sauce, recipe, or anecdote needed to conjure it up.

If 2020, has taught us anything, it is that joy is an emotion that we all have so much to give, so freely, willingly, and abundantly in all facets, if we continue to weather the storm together.


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